Mahesh Manjrekar and his team are actively seeking to cast a younger-generation actor for the parallel lead role alongside Sanjay Dutt. It is for the much-anticipated sequel, Vaastav 2. This reunion marks 26 years since Dutt and Manjrekar first collaborated on the successful gangster drama Vaastav: The Reality in 1999. It has since achieved cult status among cinema enthusiasts and is hailed as the original gangster film of Indian cinema.
Sanjay Dutt to reunite with Mahesh Manjrekar for Vaastav 2
According to sources close to the development, Mahesh Manjrekar has cracked an idea that serves well as a sequel to Vaastav. “It’s a franchise film, and not a continuation. Mahesh has cracked an idea that is in sync with the world of Vaastav and has discussed the same with Sanjay Dutt, who is all excited and charged up to play Raghu again. Mahesh is presently working to develop the idea into a screenplay. Sanju is waiting to hear the entire subject,” revealed a source close to the development.
The source further added that the film will be produced by Subhash Kale. The team is looking to take the Vaastav sequel on floors at the end of 2025. “It’s a two-hero subject and once the script is locked, Mahesh and his team will look at casting an actor from the younger generation to play the parallel lead. It’s all work in progress at the moment at a very nascent stage. But the conversations for Vaastav 2 are very much on,” the source added.
Anticipation for Vaastav 2
Vaastav 2 is positioned to be one of the biggest gangster films in Indian cinema. If the script develops as hoped, the makers are targeting an A-list young hero for the film. Clarity on casting is expected by mid-2025, as Mahesh and his team of writers work to craft a high-octane gangster drama with larger-than-life dialogues.
Sanjay Dutt and Mahesh Manjrekar’s previous collaborations include films like Kurukshetra, Hathyar, Pitaah, Viruddh, and Vaah Life Ho Toh Aisi. How excited are you to see Sanjay Dutt in Vaastav 2? Let me know your thoughts!